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TensorFlow | Working of Style Transferring

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Working of Style Transferring

Neural style transfer is the optimization technique used to take two images- a content image and a style reference image and blend them, so the output image looks like the content image, but it “painted” in the style of the style reference image.

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TensorFlow 2.x selected.  


Downloading data from https://www.eadegallery.co.nz/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/626a6823-af82-432a-8d3d-d8295b1a9aed-l.jpg  1122304/1117520 [==============================] - 1s 1us/step  Downloading data from https://i.pinimg.com/originals/11/91/4f/11914f29c6d3e9828cc5f5c2fd64cfdc.jpg        49152/43511 [=================================] - 0s 0us/step5. def   

Check the greatest measurement to 512 pixels.

Creating a function to show the image


Working of Style Transferring


Downloading data from https://github.com/fchollet/deep-learning-    models/releases/download/v0.1/vgg19_weights_tf_dim_ordering_tf_kernels.h5    574717952/574710816 [==============================] - 8s 0us/step  TensorShape([1, 1000])  


Downloading data from https://storage.googleapis.com/download.tensorflow.org/data/imagenet_class_index.json  40960/35363 [==================================] - 0s 0us/step  [('mobile_home', 0.7314594),   ('picket_fence', 0.119986326),   ('greenhouse', 0.026051044),   ('thatch', 0.023595566),   ('boathouse', 0.014751049)]  

Define style and content representations

Use the middle layers of the model to the content and style representation of the image. Starting from the input layer, the first few layer activation represent low-level represent like edges and textures.

For the input image, try to match the similar style and content target representation at the intermediate layers.

Load the VGG19 and run it on our image to ensure it used correctly here.


Download data from https://github.com/fchollet/deep-learning-models/releases/download/v0.1/vgg19_weights_tf_dim_ordering_tf_kernels_notop.h5  80142336/80134624 [==============================] - 2s 0us/step    input_2  block1_conv1  block1_conv2  block1_pool  block2_conv1  block2_conv2  block2_pool  block3_conv1  block3_conv2  block3_conv3  block3_conv4  block3_pool  block4_conv1  block4_conv2  block4_conv3  block4_conv4  block4_pool  block5_conv1  block5_conv2  block5_conv3  block5_conv4  block5_pool  

Intermediate layers for style and content

At the high level, to a network to perform image classification, it understands the image and requires taking the image as the pixels and building an internal illustration that converts the raw image pixels into a complex features present within the image.

This is also a reason why the convolutional neural networks can generalize well: they can capture the deviating and defining features within classes (e.g., cats vs. dogs) that are agnostic where the image is fed into the model and output arrangement label, the model deliver as a complex feature extractor. By accessing intermediate layers of the model, we’re able to describe the style and content of input images.

Build the model

The network in tf.keras.applications are defined, so we can easily extract the intermediate layer values using the Keras functional API.

To define any model using the functional API, specify the inputs and outputs:

model= Model(inputs, outputs)

The given function builds a VGG19 model that returns a list of intermediate layer.


block1_conv1    shape:  (1, 427, 512, 64)    min:  0.0    max:  763.51953    mean:  25.987665    block2_conv1    shape:  (1, 213, 256, 128)    min:  0.0    max:  3484.3037    mean:  134.27835    block3_conv1    shape:  (1, 106, 128, 256)    min:  0.0    max:  7291.078    mean:  143.77878    block4_conv1    shape:  (1, 53, 64, 512)    min:  0.0    max:  13492.799    mean:  530.00244    block5_conv1    shape:  (1, 26, 32, 512)    min:  0.0    max:  2881.529    mean:  40.596397  

Gram matrix:

Calculating style

The content of the image is represented by the values of the common features of the map.

Calculate a Gram Matrix, which includes this information by taking the output product over all locations.

The Gram matrix can be calculated for a particular layer as:

Working of Style Transferring

This is implemented concisely using the tf.linalg.einsum function:

Extracting the style and content of image

Building the model that returns the content and style tensor.

When called on the image, this model returns the gram matrix (style) of the style_layers and content of the content_layers:


Styles:     block1_conv1      shape:  (1, 64, 64)      min:  0.0055228453      max:  28014.557      mean:  263.79025       block2_conv1      shape:  (1, 128, 128)      min:  0.0      max:  61479.496      mean:  9100.949       block3_conv1      shape:  (1, 256, 256)      min:  0.0      max:  545623.44      mean:  7660.976       block4_conv1      shape:  (1, 512, 512)      min:  0.0      max:  4320502.0      mean:  134288.84       block5_conv1      shape:  (1, 512, 512)      min:  0.0      max:  110005.37      mean:  1487.0381    Contents:     block5_conv2      shape:  (1, 26, 32, 512)      min:  0.0      max:  2410.8796      mean:  13.764149  

Run gradient descent

With this style and content extractor, we implement the style transfer algorithm. Do this by evaluating the mean square error in our image’s output relative to each target, then take the weighted sum of the losses.

Set our style and content target values:

Define a tf.Variable to contain the image to hold. Initialize it with the help of content image (the tf.Variable be the same shape as the content image):

This is a floating image, define a function to keep the pixel value between 0 and 1:

Create the optimizer. The paper recommends LBFGS:

To optimizing it, use a weight combination of the two losses to get the total loss:

Use the function tf.GradientTape to update the image.

Run below steps to test:


Working of Style Transferring

Transforming the image

Performing a longer optimization in this step:


Working of Style Transferring
Working of Style Transferring
Working of Style Transferring
Working of Style Transferring
Working of Style Transferring
Working of Style Transferring
Working of Style Transferring
Working of Style Transferring
Working of Style Transferring
Working of Style Transferring

Total variation loss


Working of Style Transferring
Working of Style Transferring

This shows how the high frequency component have increased.

This high frequency component is an edge-detector. We get same output from the edge detector, from the given example:


Working of Style Transferring

The regularization loss associated with this is sum of the square of the value:



That demonstrate what it does. But there’s no need to implement it ourselves, it includes a standard implementation:


array([99172.59], dtype=float32)  

Re-running the optimization function

Pick the weight for the function total_variation_loss:

Now, train_step function:

Reinitializing the optimization variable:

And run the optimization:


Working of Style Transferring

finally save the result:

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