In this article you will teach yourself how to create a vlookup formula which returns just true of false. You may need it to check if you have some data missing.

It is possible to create a vlookup formula which returns only boolean values - true or false.

Let's take a look at this example.

I created such a table.

Vlookup data table


I want to check if I have some data missing. For example I just type a customer's name to check if I need to add it to my data table. In such example I need only true or false answer.

To check it I created such a formula: =ISNA(VLOOKUP($B$7,B2:B5,1,FALSE))

  • ISNA - to not get an #N/A! error
  • $B$7 - is an absolute reference to a value I know (customer's name)
  • B2:B5 - data range 1 - first column
  • FALSE - because I need an exact match

Vlookup That Returns True or False

Other conditions you may want to use this formula:

  • to check if the client should get a discount
  • to check if the student passsed get exam
  • to check if the cleck should get a bonus

Of course this vlookup based formula can be used both for such basic data table and for advanced business intelligence dashboard.