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SVG Text

To draw text, <text> element is used.


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x: It defines the position of the top left corner of the text.

y: It defines the top position of the text.

width: It defines the width.

height: It defines the height.

fill: fill attribute is used to define the fill color.

Text with rotate

It is used to create rotational text.


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x: It defines the position of the top left corner.

y: It defines the top position.

width: It defines the width.

height: It defines the height.

fill: fill attribute is used to define the fill color.

Multiline Text

It is used to create multiline text. With the <tspan> element, the <text> element can be arranged in any number of sub-groups.


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x: It defines the position of the top left corner.

y: It defines the top position.

width: It defines the width.

height: It defines the height.

fill: fill attribute is used to define the fill color.

Hyper link Text

It is used to create the text which has hyper link.


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x: It defines the position of the top left corner.

y: It defines the top position.

width: It defines the width.

height: It defines the height.

fill: fill attribute is used to define the fill color.

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